DoAll Dual Column CNC Band Saws

Our partnership with DoALL allows us to offer a variety of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) metal-cutting band saws. CNC is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to controlled manually by hand wheels or levers. Computers play an integral part of the control. CNC-like systems are now used for any process that can be described as a series of movements and operations like metal-cutting or sawing.

VIEW OUR Dual Column CNC Band Saw LINEUP


Machine Capacity: 33.5 x 40″ (850 x 1000mm) | Round (Tube or Solid): 33.5″ (850mm)

Production Level: Extreme The DC-1000CNC Hercules™ high production, horizontal CNC band saws from DoALL are highly efficient, automatic, hydraulically controlled machines with multiple material feeds. Designed for vertical cuts, the DC-1000CNC is ideal for serial production in industrial settings. Thanks to the robust construction of the DC-1000CNC, it is possible to cut a wide range of full and profile materials including stainless and tool steel. In addition, the "box" or enclosed design provides very safe operation. A large variety of optional accessories are available to customize the machine for specific sawing requirements.


Machine Capacity: 47 x 55″ (1200 x 1400mm) | Round (Tube or Solid): 47″ (1200mm)
Production Level: High

The DC-1400CNC Hercules high production, horizontal CNC band saws from DoALL are highly efficient, automatic, hydraulically controlled machines with multiple material feeds. Designed for vertical cuts, the DC-1400CNC is ideal for serial production in industrial settings. Thanks to the robust construction of the DC-1400CNC, it is possible to cut a wide range of full and profile materials including stainless and tool steel. In addition, the "box" or enclosed design provides very safe operation. A large variety of optional accessories are available to customize the machine for specific sawing requirements.